So take out your kazoo, party hats and streamers and celebrate the key numbers in the year that was for the Hollywood Temp Diaries.
253 Total postings
252 Times I thought "Writing a blog is a real pain in the ass."
10 Amount (in dollars) I paid to register www.tempdiaries.com
30 Amount (in dollars) I paid to sponsor the Temp Diaries Beer Pong team
0 Games my Beer Pong Team won (love you guys anyway)
2 Postings with reference to the 1980's TV show Riptide
40 Times I've made fun of Ben Silverman
41 Times Ben Silverman deserved it
3 Dead people who wrote for my site (Plimpton, HST, Rice)
2 Times people who don't know I run this blog told me to check it out
18 Times I was too lazy to post (a.k.a. Copyright Infringement Theatre)
13 People who have unsubscribed from the UTA joblist
9 Number of times people in Pakistan have read my blog
9 Number of times people in Wyoming have read my blog
8 Number of naked pictures sent from obsessed fans (just kidding, it's zero)
4 Times I tried writing a writing entries under the influence
331 Days between my prediction of Hollywood's demise and the SAG deal.
1 Number of new Temp Pimps I registered with in the last year
0 Number of times that new Pimp called me
37 Terms defined in the Hollywood Dictionary
1 Terms in the Hollywood Dictionary that makes sense ("Producer")
$5,380.50 Year-to-Date Earnings (you know how much I made last year)
0 Number of job offers I've received in since starting this blog
after one year of temp'ing i totally fear for my future. thanks. i'm also not dedicated enough to write a blog about it so... maybe i'll write a spec pilot for a tv show.
Congrats on your one year anniversary! I really enjoy the blog and hope you make it big oneday! Keep up the great work and snarky commentary.
Please note that your blog is now 1 year older and thus less edgy than the newer breed of blogs that are constantly nipping at your heels.
Great blog, great site...stumbled on this completely accidentally, but I completely feel your pain. As it happens I'll be graduating from Emerson next month. Also UT- Austin, great school but not my first choice. I went to UVM, and then got sucked into Emerson. Keep it up, though...gives us all some semblance of hope.
U may not be Nikki my Temp friend but ur info and humor are as pertinent in their own way. Been where U have been - and hope to God never to be again, and appreciate that U call it like it really is. Now go get some product placement, damnit!
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