Nikki and I are having a bit of a lovers' quarrel right now. Anger displacement is a funny thing and I'm sorry it spilled out onto the Internet. The truth is she peeved I'm going on a "Guy's Trip" to Vegas this weekend and she wanted to go to the Calabasas Pumpkin Festival. But what was I gonna do? We got comped at the Mandalay Bay where my friend is a high roller. If you were me, you'd do the same thing. Vegas or wading through mud for pumpkins? It's a no brainer.
Well, we talked about it last night, and Nikki and I are gonna look into couples counseling. But between my limited health insurance and her low-grade agoraphobia, the options are limited. If anyone happens to know a therapist who does house calls for cheap, let me know. I'm sorry to that you had to witness this. Please forgive us both.
Or this could be about the time I took her to a Foo Fighters show and had them play this song for her.
If she's not happy with the L.A Times, that's her problem. Clearly someone in the editor's office thought the list was worth publishing. The L.A Times probably thought it was an amusing human interest story.
I'm sure no one is going to be fired or promoted based on the list (no offense to Temp X intended,) but that wasn't the point of the list. It was just supposed to be something fun for people to read.
Keep up the great work. I love this blog. Can I make a request for another round of Hollywood Dictionary? It's one of my favorite features, that and songs.
This is also a perfect example of the complete lack of respect temps receive in this town. Even though we're people just like them trying to make it in this industry, you could replace every instance of the word "temp" in Nikki's post with "garbage" and the sentiment would still be the same.
Keep up the good fight Temp X!
I hate Nikki Finke. I made a post in support of you and she deleted it. She only always positive comments. So ridiculous. What makes her a better journalist?
Lets see ow long it takes her to delete this:
What's funny is how she's unable to grasp the concept as to why Temps would be the best candidates to create this list because we work in every dept at different studios -we are Hollywood Insiders cuz we get a wider scope of daily work all over town - and because no one thinks we really matter or are newbs they can vent about execs to us or don't care what we overhear. A few names on that list made total sense to me because I've heard countless industry people from assts to VPs talk about them with every level of negativity from rolling their eyes to outright hate. It's ok guys - as always we are underappreciated but have our little secret to grin about - we know more than they do and more than that Fink.
we know more than they THINK we do...sorry...typp but what can you expect from a temp, right?
Awesome. It's like watching someone poke a lion with a big stick but the lion is just too slow to catch up.
I commented on her post this evening and it was promptly deleted... She obviously is afraid of a meeting of the minds.
Yup, it's hard to call yourself an 'insider' compared to someone with agoraphobia. If she's so above it all, why is she even posting about you?
But seriously, I agree with 1:25. As a temp, you're more of an insider than she is. She's on the outside looking in.
The AP ran a story on a 27-year-old man who worked a different job across the country.
Here is what he said about the "Worst Boss" he encountered. He didn't waste time:
Worst boss: Film company executives in Los Angeles. "They treated me like garbage. I quit after the first day."
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