Ian Faith: They're not gonna release the album...because they have decided that the cover is sexist.Hollywood is a town based on aesthetics, both sorta manufactured and really manufactured. This is nothing new. One need look no
Nigel Tufnel: Well, so what? What's wrong with bein' sexy?
-"Spinal Tap"

But as I've learned over the past four years, this desire for beauty extends well beyond casting movies and TV. It is firmly a part of many organizational staffing decisions. How do I know this? I've been told more than a few times that I don't have the right "look" for an assistant position. A leading agency told me I was too old for the job. A prominent Cable Network told me another candidate was much "easier on the eyes" before giving my candidacy the boot. And last week I received the latest explanation/newest addition to the EEOC Hall of Fame as to why one of the female candidates will likely get the gig...
- "I just can't decide who (of the female candidates) has the nicer ass."
- "Do you know that term 'Bedroom Eyes?' She has those."
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