I always figured if I worked for a place enough times (because they kept requesting me), I'd be on the inside track should a position open up. Not sure why I believed that as it hadn't proven itself true before. Optimism has always been a shortcoming of mine.
The following is an IM exchange between your hero and a friend after finding out optimism is for suckers.
Temp X: how pissed am i allowed to be? [Company name redacted] hired someone.In true Hollywood fashion, they called me to Temp for a few days before the new employee was to start. The surprising part...I wasn't surprised at all.
Temp X: i didn't even get called in
FRIEND: what???
Temp X: yep
FRIEND: for [name redacted]'s job?
Temp X: yep
FRIEND: very pissed
FRIEND: that's extremely rude and wrong
Temp X: i'm so angry. i've only spent [a lot of time] there and told everyone there i'm looking for work
FRIEND: i can't believe you didn't even get an interview
Temp X: nope. nothing.

Ugh, classic. I worked for [World Dominating Conglomo Whose Mascot is a Mouse] as a temp to rave reviews, didn't get an open PA job, and was then asked to return and train/assist PA. Here's to Hollywood!
I had 2 really good interviews from EntertainmentCareers after paying there, 1 for a PR assistant and the other for Talent Agent Assistant, both for big name companies. Nothing from UTA and secondly is Craigslist where I got a few followups but no interviews.
i've learned from past experiences - typically hollywood can't see you as anything other then what they first think you to be.
if they know you as a temp - most of the time you'll always be a temp to them - until you can get someone else to see you differently.
for whatever reason, the industry lacks the ability to visualize outside of their own box.
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