After hearing the audio (Not safe for work unless you work at CAA. In this case your boss will consider Mr. Bale's tirade nothing more than a snit.), I felt compelled to send an open letter to Mr. Bale. Please enjoy.
[Note: For those who would like to listen to the audio, here 'tis.]
Dear Christian Bale-
On behalf of everyone who has ever worked in Hollywood, currently works in Hollywood or will ever work in Hollywood....Shut up! You're doing a movie about evil robots from the future. Your mind doesn't need to be (in your words) "In the scene." This isn't high art. It's not even low art. It's a movie -- repeat after me, "About evil robots from the future."
In the future, if a Director of Photography accidentally walks on set during the shoot may I recommend rather than yelling the F-word 30+ times and attempting to start a fight, try taking the following steps:
1. Wait for the director to yell "Cut."Oh, and if you ever do that to your assistant, I'll gladly beat the shit out of you.
2. Count the millions you're making to play a robot killer
3. Wait for the director to yell "Action."
Your Pal,
Temp X
King of Hollywood and Defender of the Underemployed
i think hes not mean he just really cute:)
He really sounds like some jerk. I don't like him anymore. ;__;
Honestly, I don't think he's a bad guy. Everybody gets mad at times. Especially when you spend hours and hours every day on set, getting makeup put on, memorizing lines, and trying your hardest to make the movie as good as you can. After however many years, it would get seriously annoying to have random things happen that would slow down production when you've been working for such a long time. Then, you have to do it over, and you can't leave until its just right. I don't think I could handle dealing with all of the stress and pressure that actors and actresses have to deal with. I just hope other people aren't so quick to judge him because we don't understand their situation, and besides, it's not like he's the first one to do something like this.
HE MAKES MILLIONS!!! So stop giving him excuses. I will never in my lifetime make what he does for a single movie, and I deal with a lot more stress than he ever will. That being said, he's a jerk-off and should be beaten every time he's not polite from now on. I can't believe anyone would actually try to justify this. Jesus, that disgusts me almost as bad as his rant.
So you're saying that someone having a breakdown is bad and should be judged purely from that. Everyone, EVERYONE, has those moments. It all depends on how they act after it. If you apologize, and acknowledge that you were completely out of line, then good for you. Now, if you don't apologize, I couldn't agree with you more. But he did apologize, making you the ignorant, stuck up jerk. And you just saying that just because he's a famous actor, means he'll never deal with the same amount of stress as you makes me want to vomit on myself. I'm not saying that he does or doesn't, but just the fact that you made that assumption and clear believe it, is just arrogant. You and your out look on people is what is disgusting, and you should be beaten every time you even think something as uneducated as this.
So you're saying that someone having a breakdown is bad and should be judged purely from that. Everyone, EVERYONE, has those moments. It all depends on how they act after it. If you apologize, and acknowledge that you were completely out of line, then good for you. Now, if you don't apologize, I couldn't agree with you more. But he did apologize, making you the ignorant, stuck up jerk. And you just saying that just because he's a famous actor, means he'll never deal with the same amount of stress as you makes me want to vomit on myself. I'm not saying that he does or doesn't, but just the fact that you made that assumption and clear believe it, is just arrogant. You and your out look on people is what is disgusting, and you should be beaten every time you even think something as uneducated as this.
I have seen every single one of Bales movies, he is or I should now say was my favorite all time favorite actor. There is no excuse whatsoever to treat another like what I just heard on that video. You want a tough job trying working to cure children's cancer and going in and telling parents their child just lost her battle, you want to see a hard job try that! People want to work with and admire nice people not big headed egos who make million to act. This really makes me sad he is like this. Wonder if he would like it if someone spoke to his daughter in this way. I am older then Bale and in all my years in dealing with people, assistants, Lawyers, Doctors etc... I have never spoken or treated another as he did. Yes you have breakdowns but you do it at home, alone!
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