The other night, professional goofball/WWE chairman Vince McMahon announced the "sale" of his program Monday Night Raw to Donald Trump. As you'll see in the video below, this "sale" offered all the theatrics of a typical WWE event -- 15,000 booing fans, "Entrance" music for Donald Trump and acting that makes Lee Strasberg roll over in his grave. But somehow Nikki got confused into thinking it was real.

Of course there are about 50 other reasons why any business reporter worth a shit would know this whole episode was just typical WWE drama. While I won't go into them because they are dull, I'd like to recommend Nikki do a little homework on 8-Ks, 10-Qs and material disclosure before covering other stories like this.
The lesson here is think twice before believing everything hear from an organization that boasts talent with names like "The Big Show," "Rey Mysterio" and "Hornswoggle." Until then Nikki, perhaps you should go back to covering things you can understand like Bruno sticking his butt in Eminem's face.
Oh snap.
Oh snap, indeed.
super snap
super duper snap
Snap with snap sauce on the side.
Oh, I'd heard Emma Thompson was buying it...
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