Thursday, May 20, 2010

Coming Soon: Plug Me

Hi folks.  Temp X here.  Hope all is well.  I'm in a chipper mood today because my boss is out of town.  I'm celebrating this hopefully stress-free day with an apple fritter and some coffee.  Plus it's the two-year anniversary of that fateful day when I started this blog.  Hooray for me.  And now on to the news of the day...

A lot of my readers (maybe even you) have side projects -- a band, comedy group, a play or other things -- that you hope will take you to the top of the Hollywood heap.  Sure, these are fun activities and great creative outlets.  But what you really want is to get discovered so you can make a living acting, singing or whatever it is you do.  I'm here to help.

I'm happy to announce my plans to launch a section of the Temp Diaries called "Plug Me."  This page will serve as a way for people to promote their upcoming performances, albums, books or whatever you're trying to do to make you famous.  Here's how it works:
  • Send me the plug exactly as you want it to read, including relevant info like dates, address, price, contact information, websites, etc.
  • Please keep your plug to around 50 words. I'm not gonna nit pick on word count.  But don't send pages of stuff and expect me to post them.  Keep it short, sweet and to the point.
  • "Plug Me" will be updated the beginning of every month.  So if your performance is in July, please send me your plug in late June.  If you send it now, I'll end up forgetting about it and you'll probably hate me.
That's pretty much it.  Right now I'm just collecting stuff.  So send any plugs to and title your email "Plug Me."  If I have any questions, I'll let you know.  The site will go live in a couple weeks.

Thanks a bunch.  And keep on reading the site.


Anonymous said...

happy anniversary temp diaries creator/blogger dude. reading your blog blows the stink off my day every day.
thanks for all that you do.

Anonymous said...

Good idea, Temp! Now I have to find something to plug.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to one of my favorite bloggers! I think Plug Me is a great idea.

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