On the subject of de-evolution, tomorrow marks nine months since the official start of the Hollywood Temp Diaries. So for any of you who got knocked up last April, your water is about to break. Get yourself to the hospital pronto. It also marked the beginning of the design of the Temp X logo which evolved from the following concept (as explained to Sister X):
I'd like something that represents the boredom and uselessness that I feel every day. Something that reflects working for a boss with an inflated sense of self-worth. Something that indicates that I'm waivering on whether to be suicidal or homicidal.And thus, a star was born. I'm not exactly sure how this connects to Benjamin Button other than it started off fine only to devolve into a series of needless squiggles. I have no idea what I'm trying to say. It's Friday, I've had one day of work this week and the former CEO of Merrill Lynch spent more money to fix up his office than I'll make in a lifetime.
Enjoy the de-evolution of Temp X, my official logo/mascot/alterego...

Definitely 'homicidal', committing suicide doesn't get you a tell-all book deal.
I just went on an interview and was wonering if you had any insight on what it would be like to be a publicists assistant? Thanks
I love the coffee cup!
Ew, some slob actually spammed you about web development? Like who would employ dinks like that?
Haha.. Love the bone one.
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