I'm sure Nikki Finke is a lovely person. And I would be foolish to ignore the attention she's brought to my site. She offers a valued service to the Hollywood community and is certainly very popular. But let me be clear -- I am NOT EXPLOITING THE NEW LAYOFFS IN HOLLYWOOD as stated in yesterday's headline.
The above photo is my earnings statement from the Social Security Administration (dated November 19, 2008). As you can see I made $15,193 in 2006 (partly my responsibility as I took 2 months to write a script) and $25,082 in 2007. If my math is right, I'm on pace to make somewhere around $21,000 this year.
If this is indicative of exploitative behavior, then I'm worse for capitalism than the Bush administration. Further, my site is free. I have no advertisers. I spend a hell of a lot of time updating it (probably to the detriment of the projects I should be working on). So to suggest that I have nefarious goals is both absurd and illogical.
I offer my site as a way for fellow dregs of the entertainment society to laugh, commiserate and get information about getting out of that shitty, underpaying, (and dare I say) EXPLOITATIVE job they're at right now.
Certainly I some day hope to make it in Hollywood. It's something I've wanted to do since I was 12. And maybe this blog will help me get to that place. But I'm not counting on it.
P.S. And for the first comment from "Mysterious Stranger" that I am AMPTP president Nick Counter, if I am, I've negotiated the worst contract in history and should probably not head this organization.
P.P.S. Now that everyone knows how much I make, I'll never get a date. Sigh.

You hit the traffic bank with her snide post. Be super thankful and let the slam (the only way she could post a link to something like your blog, which is FANTASTIC, by the way) roll off.
Don't let her get you down. She missed that most of your blog is devoted to the insanity of Hollywood. Clearly she missed the gentle sarcasm. Keep writing, and I'll keep reading.
Being associated with the word "exploited" in this town is actually a compliment. Enjoy!
Seriously? Nikki Finke's blog is like a Bill O'Reilly allocution. The only sane choice is to ignore it. God knows I try...
this site is awesome because you give out the uta job list and make fun of ben silverman all the time. those are the only things that matter to me
keep it up! your blog is good. follow your dreams.
Eff all of them. Your site is awesome and believe me, people need to blow off steam after putting up with so much deranged behavior that is mired in Hollywood.
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