Dinner: Nothing
Nothing -- $0

I'd say I worked until 8 p.m. last night, but the reality is I didn't really work. I sat at work until 8 p.m. A Hollywood assistant is never allowed to leave before the executive does regardless of how much time the aforementioned exec wastes discussing how drunk they're going to get at Comic Con. Does is matter that business is dead and the phone hasn't rung since 4:30? No. This needlessly long day has a tendency to spoil one's appetite.
As for dinner, the plus side of not eating is it's cheap, requires minimal preparation time and no clean up.
I learned I'm frustrated about having a go-nowhere job that actually pays less than my temp gigs. I learned that I'd rather get stuck in traffic at 6 p.m. than have no traffic at 8 p.m. I learned that an economy stuck in neutral preys on my anxiety about my professional aspirations. I learned that my boss can waste time on a conference call better than anyone.
I also learned that maybe my old therapist was right -- I'm not cured.
If I lose enough weight, I could be a stand-in for Keira Knightley.
Temp you are courageous. You obviously do not have to be in hollywood. You are going after what you want.
With your skill set you could be doing big things. Your grammar,sp, and sentence structure is spot on; you should take online teacher ed classes and became an english teacher. I have decided that if they want the idiots to rule fine, I practice horrible english but can explain string theory so off to western governors university online to get a degree which guarantees me 50000 to teach an online class so I can afford to "chase the dream".
Temp you are courageous. You obviously do not have to be in hollywood. You are going after what you want.
With your skill set you could be doing big things. Your grammar,sp, and sentence structure is spot on; you should take online teacher ed classes and became an english teacher. I have decided that if they want the idiots to rule fine, I practice horrible english but can explain string theory so off to western governors university online to get a degree which guarantees me 50000 to teach an online class so I can afford to "chase the dream".
Comic-Con has made my life miserable too haha
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